Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Reclaim You Ears With The Best Tinnitus Tips

By Fleta Capps

If you are hearing sounds you may have never heard, it may be because you have tinntius. Most people who suffer from tinnitus are between 55 and 65. This article will give you advice on dealing with tinnitus, if you think you hear some abnormal sounds.

You may want to consider taking up a musical instrument to help ease your tinnitus. There is scientific data that shows that noise in the environment takes the focus off of tinnitus. Choose an instrument you find pleasant to listen to. A good choice could include a trumpet, bass guitar or drums. Do not forget to wear earplugs before you start playing any of these.

Relaxation techniques, like yoga and meditation, can help tinnitus. A lot of the time tinnitus is worsened because of stress or anxiety. During the time that you are partaking in yoga, your mind and body are at rest, and this will reduce the possibility of tinnitus raising its head.

Give yourself about 15 minutes to get to sleep. If you fail to fall asleep within this time, get up and go to another room. Do not engage in any stressful activities. Instead, seek out a relaxing activity to do until you are more tired. Be sure to only sleep in your bed, and don't allow yourself to waste a lot of time struggling to sleep. This can become a ritual.

Don't assume that your doctor will always remember that you suffer from tinnitus; bring it up often. Many medications that are available over the counter can interfere with your condition. By informing your doctor of your condition, you are alerting them to the necessity to consider your tinnitus when prescribing any medications.

Concentrate on relaxing when it is bedtime so you can forget your tinnitus and get some sleep. Repeat a soothing mantra or comforting word in your mind. Imagine the word spinning around or bouncing, and changing colors or size. This will make you focus on this instead of the sounds.

If you are diagnosed with tinnitus and told that there is no way to get rid of it, you may think your life is over. Think again. Tinnitus is not life-threatening and there are various treatments which can offer you relief or even a cure. So take heart, and remember, there is always hope!

When you're bothered by your tinnitus, turn on anything that gives you the relief of background noise, such as a fan or music. This white noise can help you drown out tinnitus ringing in your ears. It is simpler to focus on the tinnitus if it is all you can hear.

A massage can help you clear your mind, circulate your blood, relax your body, and calm your tinnitus. Your blood pressure falls whenever you get relaxed and slow your heart rate, and a massage can make this happen. An elevated heart rate and increased blood flow, is partially responsible for the ringing in your ears; therefore a reduced heart rate translates to less audible sounds.

Go over every medication you are taking, whether supplemental or prescribed, with your doctor so you can figure out if any are causing your tinnitus to get worse. Your doctor may be able to choose another drug or recommend an over-the-counter treatment.

If you have trouble going to sleep because of your tinnitus, you could always visualize yourself lying in a wheat field. The tall grass sways in the breeze, and the sounds are the reeds moving back and forth. See the sun and clouds in the sky. Enjoy the visualization of nature surrounding you, and float into the sky. Imagine the dreams you'll have with this vision!

Acupuncture is a scary prospect for anyone who has a fear of needles. Acupressure, on the other hand, is far more tame. Acupressure uses the same principles as acupuncture, but pressure is applied on your nerves instead of needles.

Now that you have gained some insight and information on what tinnitus is, you have an idea of what steps you need to take towards bettering yourself. Be sure to seek medical advice first to rule out medical conditions such as an ear infection or high blood pressure, among others. Then you can safely get on with curing your tinnitus.

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