Saturday, December 10, 2011


By Alexandra Williams

We all know that one of the necessary things needed to keep an automobile in good condition is cooling the engine when it gets hot. Well the same principle applies to the human body. When the body and mind are constantly overworked, their efficiency in performing their duties diminishes. Modern social life, food, work and even play make it difficult for the modern man to use a proper relaxation technique for rejuvenation.

People exercise for various reasons. Some exercise to develop muscles while some work out to lose weight. Some people who are too busy to exercise turn to weight loss pills. However, these pills have side effects and people who decide to use it must use it properly. Exercise can be beneficial if done properly and can be harmful if done in the wrong way. People who exercise often encounter a number of drawbacks like injuries and unsuccessful lost of weight. Experts believe that these problems occur because of improper exercise and poor eating habits. Doctors and fitness experts believe that many injuries can be avoided or lessened if exercise routines are done properly. According to them, extreme care should be given to the weights or equipments, plus body posture to reduce injury. Attempting to lift too much weight, letting weights drop, incorrect form may cause more harm than good.

Lavender was also used in ancient times to tame lions and tigers. Perhaps the ancient people intuitively knew what researchers are finding out about lavender. Researchers have proven that it calms anxiety and provides natural stress relief. Lavender has also a long list of medicinal properties, making it a natural health superstar. These days, lavender is enjoying renewed popularity as an alternative natural muscle relaxant.Lavender was also used in earlier days as a condiment and for flavoring dishes to comfort the stomach. It has aromatic, carminative, and nervine properties. Though largely used in perfumery, it is now not much employed internally, except as a flavoring agent, occurring occasionally in pharmacy to cover disagreeable odors in ointments and other compounds.

Mental Relaxation Technique: During mental tension one should breathe slowly and rhythmically for a few minutes and concentrate on breathing. Slowly the mind will become calm and one is able to feel a kind of floating sensation. Spiritual Relaxation Technique: However one tries to relax the mind, one cannot completely remove all tensions and worries from it unless one goes to spiritual relaxation. This is in itself is a slightly demanding but very rewarding practice.

Yogis know that unless man can withdraw himself from the body idea and separate himself from the ego consciousness, there is no way of obtaining complete relaxation. So from mental relaxation, he withdraws himself and identifies himself with the all pervading, all powerful, all peaceful and joyful self, because all the source of power, knowledge are in the soul and not the body. Man can only free himself from the clutches of evil emotions by asserting his true self by stating mentally: "I am that pure consciousness or self" This identification with the self completes the process of relaxation. The method to be applied here is to breathe deeply and squarely in a ratio of 5:5:5 seconds while mentally chanting the mantra above. As you will observe it goes hand-in-hand with mental relaxation after the physical auto suggestions are completed.

Before you reach for over the counter drugs for your next muscle relaxant, why not do what ancient Egyptians did and look to nature first. After all, if lavender could tame tigers, imagine what it could do for Monday mornings at the office? Definitely, lavender, is the ultimate natural muscle relaxant.

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