If you are reading this article it suggests that you have just thought about stopping smoking. The initial step in quitting a habit or in changing your life is to take a firm backbone or a promise to oneself you're about to do something. However , in order to take this primary step you've got to be convinced it is the proper thing to do. If you want some more reasons that explain why it's time to deal with your smoking habit, here are five things to consider:
1. You can live for longer if you quit smoking now
According to a study in the British Medical Book, quitting smoking now could add 7-10 years to your life. Nobody can make certain that he will be alive tomorrow. Anything can occur, due to circumstances beyond our control. In spite of this, we should do whatever we will that is within our control to live a long and happy life. You can not stop yourself from being hurt in an earthquake, but you can stop yourself from dying due to a smoking related illness.
2. Smoking is not cool
Many people begin smoking due to peer pressure or for other social reasons. At one time it was fashionable or "cool" to smoke, but that is no longer so. With study after study confirming the harmful effects of smoking, the tide has turned. It is starting to become quite tricky to smoke in public areas and smoking is viewed as a nuisance by the society at large. If you began smoking to be "in", have a look around and you'll see the times have changed. Keep up with these changes and stop smoking now.
3. Set a fine example for your children or people who look your decision
If you know that turning into a smoker was a blooper then you must ensure that your kids or pals who look your decision don't follow in your footsteps. The easiest way to train others is by example. If your kids or family see that ma and pa or their bigger brother and older sister don't smoke, then they're going to be less sure to start smoking. Therefore consider the example you are setting, and do whatever you can to switch your style.
4. Improve your sports performance
If you like to play sports then you already know that endurance is very important. Smoking meddles with your respiring and your body's capacity to take in oxygen. If you need to improve your sporting performance and increase your endurance, then it is time to put down your cigarettes.
5. Don't pass on smoke and harm others around you
Even if you're the only one who smokes in your home, your smoke is dangerous to your non-smoking loved ones. Second user smoke has been proved to be the cause of disease in non-smokers and that is the main reason why smoking is now being banned in public places. While the new non-smoking laws will provide help to protect the public at large, you can defend your nearest family and friends by making an individual decision to quit smoking
There are lots more reasons to quit smoking, but just think about these 5 reasons and make a choice that you are going to do whatever is required to stop smoking. It could be a decision which will help you to live a long, healthy and ecstatic life.
Visit our site to learn more about e cigarette reviews.
1. You can live for longer if you quit smoking now
According to a study in the British Medical Book, quitting smoking now could add 7-10 years to your life. Nobody can make certain that he will be alive tomorrow. Anything can occur, due to circumstances beyond our control. In spite of this, we should do whatever we will that is within our control to live a long and happy life. You can not stop yourself from being hurt in an earthquake, but you can stop yourself from dying due to a smoking related illness.
2. Smoking is not cool
Many people begin smoking due to peer pressure or for other social reasons. At one time it was fashionable or "cool" to smoke, but that is no longer so. With study after study confirming the harmful effects of smoking, the tide has turned. It is starting to become quite tricky to smoke in public areas and smoking is viewed as a nuisance by the society at large. If you began smoking to be "in", have a look around and you'll see the times have changed. Keep up with these changes and stop smoking now.
3. Set a fine example for your children or people who look your decision
If you know that turning into a smoker was a blooper then you must ensure that your kids or pals who look your decision don't follow in your footsteps. The easiest way to train others is by example. If your kids or family see that ma and pa or their bigger brother and older sister don't smoke, then they're going to be less sure to start smoking. Therefore consider the example you are setting, and do whatever you can to switch your style.
4. Improve your sports performance
If you like to play sports then you already know that endurance is very important. Smoking meddles with your respiring and your body's capacity to take in oxygen. If you need to improve your sporting performance and increase your endurance, then it is time to put down your cigarettes.
5. Don't pass on smoke and harm others around you
Even if you're the only one who smokes in your home, your smoke is dangerous to your non-smoking loved ones. Second user smoke has been proved to be the cause of disease in non-smokers and that is the main reason why smoking is now being banned in public places. While the new non-smoking laws will provide help to protect the public at large, you can defend your nearest family and friends by making an individual decision to quit smoking
There are lots more reasons to quit smoking, but just think about these 5 reasons and make a choice that you are going to do whatever is required to stop smoking. It could be a decision which will help you to live a long, healthy and ecstatic life.
Visit our site to learn more about e cigarette reviews.
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