Sunday, February 12, 2012

Extracts and Potency

By Brandon Gilbert

So in this piece we're going to find out about Reishi Mushroom, which is maybe the most important herb in the world. And why I say that, why I make that claim, is that this herb is the most scientifically investigated of any herb ever known, ever studied. On top of that, it is one of the most revered, if not the most revered, herb of all of ancient China.

So reishi is unique in that it's really rich and concentrated in chemicals that are considered to be long-change sugars or polysaccharides. Reishi also has a whole wide range of trichurpenoids and an entire big selection of fatty acids and oils which give it it is superb properties. And because reishi is so complicated, as it has so many active components, for that reason, that's the reason why I tend to go for a full plant, concentrated extract.

So all the herbs that you'll see on the site are ten to one extracts. Meaning it takes 10 pounds of full herb that is concentrated into one pound of extract, while there are some herbal products on the market that are extracts but one p.c of this chemical or ten p.c polysaccharides or two p.c triturpines, etcetera. In short those can be fine for a particular situation, but when you're handling herbs that are so chemically complex, you want the full spectrum. particularly if you're going to be employing it as a daily tonic.

And if something has 600-900 active constituents, we do not really know A + B = C.

Sure we can identify tiny bits and bobs and say, oh, well these chemicals do this, these gannoderric acids do that, cool. But really, when something is so complex, we can't really isolate it and say, oh, for example, we could say reishi has polysaccharides.

These polysaccharides are immune-modulatory and really balancing to the immune system. So somebody might think, oh, well we should get a reishi extract with 80% polysaccharides, because that will be way better, right? Wrong. It isn't truly what we are after.

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